Reunion News

Our class 60th reunion will be September 18 – 21, 2025.

Our class functions will be held at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Montpelier.  The hotel is accepting reservations now.  Ask for the Norwich Old Guard rate.


Scheduled Events

Here are the scheduled events:

Who's Attending

Let’s add you to our list.  Email Paul Mercer:
[email protected]


David Anderson
Larry Bailey
Bruce Cutcliffe 
Lou DeMayo
Rick Laycock
John MacIsaac
Paul Mercer
Doug Miller
Bob Priestley
Bill Quinn
Mike Reardon
Jim Rogers


Who we are...

We are Norwich University’s Class of 1965. We are a true “band of brothers”. As we continue to deal with the challenges of aging, we should have a single place to find updates on our class. Please use this page that way. Send your news and your photos to share with your “Old Guard” friends.  Photos and news items to:

[email protected]